(English) News

(English) Alumni Hall of Fame 2021 – Call for Nominations!

(English) As educators we are proud to see our alumni thriving and it is our honour to publicly recognise the contributions you have made to the community and to celebrate your achievements in life.

The Alumni Hall of Fame was launched in 2020 with three young inaugural inductees – Chelsea Chen (YWIES Shanghai Gubei, Class of 2015), a talented film maker; Aaron Shea (YCIS Hong Kong, Class of 1998), a passionate mentor to the youngsters of the YCYW community; and Mika Ulmet (YCIS Shanghai Puxi, Class of 2010), a selfless volunteer in the developing world. These three have demonstrated the true values of the enduring Yew Chung and Yew Wah spirit – the embodiment of ethical, caring and loving global stewardship.

(English) YCYW Virtual Alumni Week 2021 RSVP

(English) Riding on last year’s success, the Institutional Advancement Office brings back the annual alumni event as Yew Chung Yew Wah Virtual Alumni Week 2021 during 9–12 June! We have gathered some of our most professional and qualified alumni around the world to share with you their first-hand experience in university and career.


