Deepest condolence for the passing of Dr. Miranda Siu Ping Luk.

With our deepest condolence for the passing of Dr. Miranda Siu Ping Luk, our former YCIS Hong Kong Primary Vice-Principal.
She has dedicated her entire life to education with passion and love, nurtured generations of young talents. For many reasons, she was loved by our students and colleagues, despite the fact that she was only here for a short period of time between the late 80s to early 90s.
Dr. Miranda Luk has sadly passed away on the 22nd of Nov in UK, she has been a role model to many of us. May you rest in peace, you will always be loved and remembered.
Dr. Luk’s family has also created a memorial ( to celebrate the life of Dr. Miranda Siu Ping Luk. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.