Former Students Share Real Life Stories for Teacher Insights

To highlight and promote good practices in teaching, Yew Chung and Yew Wah held an "E-Learning Professional Development Days" event on November 27-28, 2020. Apart from the university professors and education experts who spoke during the event, we also invited four alumni to share their views – Ms Kwan Ki Sze, YCIS Hong Kong Class of 2008, Mr Able Chang, YCIS Shanghai Puxi Class of 2009, Mr Liping Lin, YCIS Shanghai Pudong Class of 2012, and Ms Bethany Ru, YCIS Shanghai Puxi Class of 2018. Our alumni brought valuable former-student perceptions to help our educators better understand the core needs of a Yew Chung or Yew Wah student.
We often compare young minds to a blank sheet of paper waiting to be written upon. Children might have no idea what they are interested in or what they are good at but they are always burning with curiosity. Teachers here play a really important role as a crayon on that clean white sheet of paper. “Our mission as teachers is to create a platform for our students to explore the unknown,” says Ms Sherry Mao, “…to grow in mind and discover their own strengths while we provide support for them.”
Through our alumni feedback, teachers gained the opportunity to view education from a student’s perspective and to reflect on the true definition of a teacher or, in this case, a YCYW educator. “The success stories and sharing from our alumni made me realise that I have been putting more effort on study itself, overlooking the importance of individual growth,” said Ms Celina Huang.
The PD day event provided our educators valuable knowledge to sharpen teaching skills. The alumni session spiced things up with real life stories and examples to inspire all. The session underscored why it is important to explore and understand education from a student’s perspective. “Every child is a unique seed,” said Ms Sunny Ren. “In the land of Yew Chung and Yew Wah, they slowly awaken, quietly grow, and finally bloom with their own light.” May our Yew Chung and Yew Wah educators continue to journey and grow with their students.