How HK Alumni Enjoy the Virtually Intoxicating Joy of a Grape Education

And now, with the bubbles still fresh in our mouths and a hint of wind in the hair, a quick look back at our first alumni wine tasting event. Special thanks to our wonderful host, Aaron Chung – YCIS Hong Kong Class of 2008 and the director of One Cellar Hong Kong – who dug up a choice selection of reds from regions as diverse as France, Argentina, USA and New Zealand. After all, it is the soil and climate that make the grape.
Participants enjoyed a global vineyard tour, savouring hidden aromas and coy flavours, fully employing the senses of sight, scent and taste. Aaron guided the group through a virtual wine tasting experience pointing out how to gauge colours, detect elusive scents and pick up new notes and flavours on the tongue.
There was a look at the elements that go into wine making along with fun facts. But hang on, where’s the wine? Well, that came in a pre-ordered package for each participant.
In between sips and nibbles, everyone listened with rapt attention on a Zoom screen, savouring tastes and zeroing in on personal favourites. Although COVID-19 prevented us from physically meeting and clinking glasses with the 12 participants (alumni as well as current and former staff), we all enjoyed the exchange with fellow mildly sozzled companions from across the world.
So, salute, chin chin, gān bēi, gesondheid, santé… and see you all again at future alumni activities. Don’t miss out!