Shanghai Alumni Mixer 2020

It’s the season of alumni gathering again!
YCEF Alumni and Friends would like to invite you to join our annual YCYW Alumni Gathering in Shanghai.
Whether you are working in Shanghai, studying in Shanghai or living in Shanghai, please come and connect with your fellow alumni across the Yew Chung Yew Wah network. An alumni panel will be present before the networking.
The panelists are:
Bethany Ru, YCIS Shanghai Puxi, Class of 2018, currently studies Biochemistry and Economics at UCLA
C.K. Iu, Class of 2013, YCIS Hong Kong, Assistant Capacity Manager, Swire Shipping Shanghai
Nino Dou, YWIES Lingang, Class of 2020, currently studies Biochemistry at University College London, UK.
Time: 5:30-9:00 pm, December 4, 2020
Venue: No. 21, Shaoxing Road, Huangpu District. 上海黄浦区绍兴路21号
Special thanks to威达高科技股份有限公司 parents of YCIS Pudong, that sponsor this event.
Please scan the QR code or click the link below for registration.