YCYW Virtual Alumni Day 2020

Here’s your chance to be inspired and be enlightened by the hidden gems in our Yew Chung and Yew Wah alumni community! Join our YC& YW Virtual Alumni Day 2020 on Wednesday, June 3 and speak with
some of our most professional and qualified alumni. They will sharewith you their experience and answer any questions you have regarding on career tips, studying abroad or finding an internship!
We all know people are the most valuable resources amongst all. Our YC & YW alumni graduated from top universities in the world, and are now working in some of the top companies, so they are all outstanding people making some outstanding achievements and performances!
So, don’t miss out your chance to speak with our talented alumni, make use of the valuable and reliable resources from the YC& YW alumni community and have all your questions answered!
Programme of the day:
Future Trends, the Online Learning Platform Development in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Mr Wayne Tai, YCIS Hong Kong’04, Regional CRM, e-Commerce & Digital Manager – NAOS
Keeping up with the latest trends in education can be difficult for many of us. However, we cannot deny the fact that we are experiencing tremendous changes in the world and with technology. Education will need to change as well to adapt to the new world.
Learn how you can be prepared to manage the future trends in learning and how education will change.
Welcome Class of 2020! – An Introduction to Alumni Network
Ms Josephine Lo, Mr Jason Chan, Ms Crystal Chen
“What does being an alumnus mean?” is often a question asked by our new graduates. In this session, we will share the amazing alumni experience you are entering after graduating from your alma mater.
There are many ways you can benefit. Join us to learn how to make the most out of the strong and powerful network of Yew Chung and yew Wah alumn
Dealing With Uncertainty–Tips to Stay Positive and Productive
Mr Louis Cochin, YCIS Beijing’10
It is our nature to always seek for knowledge and feel safe when we know everything. However, most of the time we will often find ourselves in situations where we are oblivious of what will happen next.
Here’s how you can deal with the uncertainties while staying positive and productive in these situations.
Studying abroad: Adventures and Challenges
Panel: Nicole Tong (US), Royce Yu (US), Emerson Liu (US), Esther Ng (UK), Osman Chiu (AU), Chelsea Chen (CA)
Are you prepared to leave the comfort zone of YC/YW? Ready to explore a new place where adventure and challenges are lying ahead? In this session, our alumni panel will share their personal experiences studying abroad, living with different cultures and tips on how you can handle the challenges.
Career Sharing Breakout Sessions
Arts as a Career and Its Role in Society – Ms Chelsea Chen, YWIES Shanghai‘15
Pathway to Be a Psychologist – Ms Jessica Lam, YCIS Hong Kong‘06
Law/ Fintech – Mr Jason Chan, YCIS Hong Kong‘09
Business Management/ Finance – Mr Sam Zhang, YWIES Shanghai‘12
Computer Science/ Engineering – Ms Crystal Chen, YCIS Hong Kong‘13
Designed for you to learn more about the career which you want to pursue, we’ve assembled alumni representatives from a number of growing industries. Join us to learn how to prepare yourself to be a psychologist, to answer the all important question, can you make a living as an artist in today’s world? What are the job opportunities for business graduates? Our alumni will share their professional journey in their chosen field and give you a sneak peek of your future career path.
Internships and Job-Hunting: Recruitment Tips and Advice
Mr Jason Chan, YCIS Hong Kong’09, Solicitor
Ms Nicole Tong, YCIS Hong Kong’16, Associate – Morgan Stanley Chicago
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a far greater impact in the job market than ever imagined. With a continuous increase in unemployment rate, what are the things that would win you a job or internship opportunity? Step by step, Nicole and Jason will share with you the importance of internship experiences and recruitment tips, based on their own experience.
You can read more about our speakers here: https://bit.ly/2LQnqGo!