YCYW Virtual Alumni Day 2020 Successfully Held

The first YCYW Virtual Alumni Day was held successfully on June 3, 2020. Over 200 people joined this event and gave positive feedback. There were 11 sharing sessions with topics covering online learning platform in the future trend, tips to stay positive, studying abroad, career sharing and internships & job-hunting. The rich and diverse contents reflected the fact that we have numerous talented alumni in our strong Yew Chung Yew Wah community.
In “Future Trends, the Online Learning Platform Development in the Post-COVID-19 Era”, Mr Wayne Tai, playing a key role in NAOS, based on his working experience analysed the pros and cons of using traditional learning tools and modern online platforms.
“Dealing with Uncertainty – Tips to Stay Positive and Productive” by Mr Louis Cochin can be the best medicine for many people affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic. He emphasised that the key principle to manage psychological health would be “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst”, and he shared the tips on building up positive thinking step by step.
In “Studying abroad: Adventures and Challenges”, we have invited Ms Nicole Tong, Mr Royce Yu, Ms Emerson Liu, Ms Esther Ng, Mr Osman Chiu and Ms Chelsea Chen to talk about their thoughts and experience of studying in Australia, the UK and the US after graduating from Yew Chung / Yew Wah. From their sharing, students can see culture differences of countries and be inspired to choose the countries that best suit them to study abroad.
Yew Chung / Yew Wah alumni contributed to society in serval professional areas. Some of them are artists, psychologists, lawyers, businessmen and engineers. Ms Chelsea Chen, Ms Jessica Lam, Mr Jason Chan, Mr Sam Zhang and Ms Crystal Chen talked about their personal insights on and skills in how to pursue interests and careers. They set good examples for the students who have the same ambitions as they do.
Mr Jason Chan gave tips to students who will participate in internship in the session “Internships and Job-Hunting: Recruitment Tips and Advice”. He said during internship, there is no need to be too sociable and it is better not to get drunk. Ms Nicole Tong advised students to use more “action words” in their resume and emphasise the transferable skills they equipped in projects to make their resume appealing.
All the sharing by our alumni is rich in content and valuable. We also welcome Class of 2020 to the Yew Chung Yew Wah community as alumni, their new identity. Yew Chung / Yew Wah Foundation will always support everyone in this family. Ms Josephine Lo, Advancement and Alumni Relations Manager, shared on how the new graduates can make the most out of the strong and powerful network of Yew Chung and Yew Wah alumni. We encouraged our alumni to keep contact with us on the social media platform and try out the amazing alumni experience by joining our alumni activities all over the world.
The inspiring sharing of alumni speakers, enthusiastic response of participants and full-hearted support from Yew Chung Yew Wah communities are all the keys to success of this Alumni Day. We believe the spirit of Yew Chung and Yew Wah will be passed on and our alumni will continue to devote themselves to their professions. We hope to see you again in our future exciting alumni activities.
If you have any questions, please contact us via secretariat@alumni.ycef.com.