Small Action x Lots of People = BIG CHANGE - An COVID-19 Appeal Report

在疫情陰影的籠罩之下,2020年註定是充滿挑戰的壹年。但我們團結壹心,以安全為中心繼續砥礪前行。讓我們無比動容的是,在這個特殊時期,耀中耀華大家庭的 職員、家長、學生、校友以至友好展現的無私支持,讓我們的院校在過去幾個月的困境當中,仍能設立不同資助計劃。
小小善舉,可以照亮許多眾生,如果您想對受疫情影響的 耀中耀華學生家庭伸出援手或者其他相關支持,敬請聯繫:
Mr. Terry CHENG Wai Ming
Mr. Felix HSU
Mrs. Winnie KWONG
Wofoo Foundation Limited
Ms. Charity SUN Aizhen
Mr. Wind WANG Xiaofeng
Ms. YAO Xu
GuangzhouYew Wah Education Management Company Limited
Mr. Matt HU
Ms. Rebecca JIANG
Ms. Katy LAI
Mr. Bill LEE
Ms. Helen LV
Mr. Fugang QIN
Ms. Amy ZENG
Qingdao Yew Wah Education Management Company Limited
Ms. Claudia LAI
Mr. Jason LI
Shanghai Yew Wah Education Management Company Limited
Mr. Frank ZHANG and colleagues
Shenzhen Yew Wah Education Management Company Limited
Ms. Mingjun CHEN
Ms. Arwen HUANG
Mr. Lewis LAO
Ms. Ada CHEN
Ms. Motong LI
Ms. Xiao LIANG
Ms. Yvonne LUO
Ms. Alice SHA Xina
Prof. Ping SHI
Ms. Shirley SONG
Ms. TAO Huimin
Ms. Linda WANG Chunxiao
Ms. Baoling YANG
Ms. ZHAN Huini
Ms. ZHANG Dandan
The College also appreciates the generosity of the donors who wish to remain anonymous.
YCIS Hong Kong Donors
Ms. LO Siu Fan
Mrs. XU
Mrs. GAO
Ms. Angela YUEN On-ki
Mr. HUANG Ming-tao
YCIS Hong Kong also appreciates the generosity of the other 24 donors who wish to remain anonymous.
YCIS Shanghai Donors
Ms. Xiaoling Wang and Mr. Bin Xiang
Ms. Jie Dong and Mr. Shing Keung Sing
Ms. Man Huen Yeung and Mr. Pan Ng
Ms. Mi Eun Seo and Mr. Rui Li
Ms. Chenchen Chen
Ms. Ping Ye and Mr. Yongmao Qi
Ms. Jessica Zha and Mr. Felix Yuan
Ms. Stella Huang and Mr. Shaojie Zhang
Ms. Haihua Wu and Mr. Liansong Zheng
YCIS Shanghai also appreciates the generosity of the other 2 donors who wish to remain anonymous.
YWIES Yantai Donors
肖月红 (Y7 家长)
YCIS Chongqing Donors
YWIES Shanghai Gubei Donors
YWIES Tongxiang Donors
高荣华、杨冬芬 (G5A 家长)
YWIES Guangzhou Donors
王颖(Y6A & Y2A家长)
YWIEK Chongqing Rong Ke Campus Donors
K2B 徐翌航家长