上海耀中耀華校友聚會 2020 我們誠摯邀請你來參加我們在上海的耀中耀華校友聚會。 這此舉會將為您提供一個與耀中耀華校友建立聯繫的機會。同時我們也會邀請到一些有所成就的校友為大家分享自己的經驗! 所以不要猶豫,現在註冊! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ijFvLhPxZUyKRwXd1fM3mM8COwVVKPdJl5TXFPausU1UODU0VjhGWVZIUVlQOFJKQjBHTE1VVUEzMS4u
2018 London Gathering At this year's gathering, Rev. Steve Hackman, our head of Christian and Community Development, will share with you a meaningful Seeds of Hope event in celebration of Yew Chung's 85th Anniversary. (Read More)
Happy Founder's Day! On 12thOctober 2018, the whole network of Yew Chung and Yew Wah come together in celebrating the Founder’s Day and commemorate the effort and dedication which our Founder, Hau Cheung Po Po (校長婆婆), had put into education.