香港校友籃球聯賽 2019年校友籃球聯賽將會提供一個讓你回歸球場的機會!你將在學校體育館內與其他四支隊伍角逐冠軍。如往年一樣,聯賽將會由最多十人組成的五支球隊對決。 在2019年7月21日前組成你的全明星戰隊吧(僅校友)!
Seoul Alumni Gathering 2018 - Recap Our first ever Seoul Alumni Gathering has been a blast with over 40 participants from YCIS Beijing, Shanghai and YWIES Yantai attended this special evening at On the Border in Itaewon. We are honoured to have three special guests from YWIES Yantai, Co-principal Mr. Aaron King, School Business Manager Ms. Melody Long and the Head of Parent Teacher Liaison Ms. Grace Kim to be with us that day.